| - I contacted the "Martin International Realty" a few days ago, as I need a rental unit in LV, last minute. I scheduled a trip during the holiday of Memorial Day, unfortunately, that's what work allows me. The person with whom I interacted was "Edith Joss". She and I exchanged emails for a few days. In the end, she said she was not available Memorial day to show me units, which I understand after all is a holiday, so she referred me to another agency. What's disappointing to me is the way she handled the situation, with out apologies, no hi or thank you, her words after I asked her if I should stop contacting her:
"Yes my office is very small--I suggest you look on line for a big company that has several agents
Maybe c21 or Berkshire Hathaway or a company that works with rentals only "
OK, that is what I call bad customer service. In the end, I'm planning not only to rent but to also buy a unit, so her company just lost a client
I'm not planning to ever use their services.