I'm sorry but how do u screw up a simple pizza delivery? I even called back to CONFIRM the delivery address and my name , delivery address and phone number in case there was a single issue? How do u screw this up!!!! I called a third time to ask where our pizza was ...since we are opening a new optometry office and our kids are here hungry...while we unpack and organize. When I called a third time asking where our orde was...I shockingly was told it was attempted and no one answered!!! Omg!!!! We have been here all night!!!!! I went with Spinnatos because their food is good...but I'm pretty sure papa Johns would have at least been here as promised...with food for our family and not made excuses for idiot staff manning the phones and screwing up orders...never ordering from here again.
Called a fourth time to ask where our food was...now an how and a half late....I'm now told its on way...yet girl who answered on my forth call to confirm delivery address gave me the wrong address yet again!!! This is rediculous and impressive...