| - I stopped by the dealership to look at a used car. I ended up speaking with David. As it turns out they had a second car, same make and model, just a little older. I expressed an interest both cars and advised David that I would have private financing. He then wanted to get some info, a standard practice I would say. However, the paper work was all financial, he was pushing his own financing. He then offered a stupid monthly payment with a crazy down payment. At this point I reminded him of my private financing and let him know that I would be in touch if I wanted to pursue the matter.
Over the next 2 days I received no less than 10 calls and emails from David and the dealership. I did let him know that I would be coming back in to discuss one of the cars. Now I had done my research and knew that what they were asking was high, but that's what negotiating is for, right??
After looking at the car we sat down and David told me where he was on the car. At this point he slipped and I noticed on his paperwork what they had paid for the car.Now I will admit that my first offer was a low offer, but it was made in an honest effort to negotiate fair price. I already knew that there were asking more than double what they paid for the car. David responded to my offer by sticking to his price. I took a few minutes outside to think about my options. Upon returning to the table I advised David that I was sticking to my original price, which was $1500 below what they were asking. David left to speak to his manager and was gone for 15 to 20 minutes. When he returned he had his manager with him. The manager informed me that we were $1700 apart and would not be able to make a deal. WAIT, you mean the price went up another $200 because you had to get out of your comfy chair and come out to tell me no.
These people do not negotiate in good faith. They want you to bend over and take it while handing them your check book. They went out of their way to make sure that I felt like a lesser person while in their business. With other car dealerships in the valley wanting to EARN your business and your respect, avoid Jim March Kia at all costs.