| - I'm gonna tell you a secret, but let's keep it just between us...capiche? Alright, here goes. stores. I know, NOT what you were expecting. But when I say I LOVE them, I mean if I have any spare time, I'll go perusing around from one grocery store to the next. And any time I visit a new city, one of the things I will ALWAYS make time for is checking out a local grocery store. I go aisle from aisle looking at all the goods they have. And if I'm in a grocery store that is in a different city, country or even continent, then I'll go through the aisles, eyes peeled, absorbing all the different & exciting things they have that I've never seen before.
I mean COME ON. As if you've never gone to a grocery store in the States just to see the latest flavour of Doritos, or the brand spankin' new type of Oreos. I knew it, you totally feel me.
So when I wandered into this downtown Co-Op, I'll be honest, I got excited. The best way for me to describe it is as a 'Bachelor/Bachelorette' Co-Op. What I mean is this. They've got a MASSIVE deli/prepared foods section with things that I've never even seen in other Co-Ops in the city. They've REALLY taken into account the fact that the majority of people living downtown are single and there's just about everything to please their culinary palettes. Samosas, Jamaican patties, cabbage rolls, fried rice, and my list isn't even doing their selection justice.
Their produce is ridiculously fresh and yes, they have a very impressive bulk foods section.
It is blatantly obvious that this Co-Op was very carefully designed with the downtown demographic in mind. It is a lot more modern, hip & 'singles-appropriate' than any other grocery store I have visited in the city.
So here's to all the singles in the city...give it a shot, I really think you'll like it!