Been going here for years with no problems but this year was ghastly. I'm thinking the tech I had was an ex-nun who really doesn't like her job. I tried some small talk which she was having no part of as this was perhaps a day to observe silence at the nunnery. Then I moved twice because half my boob was hanging off the shelf. Since the basic concept is to try to see ALL your boob I was getting a tad worried about her skill set. My moving set off her inner demon. "DO NOT HELP ME. LOOK AT ME. DO NOT HELP ME." I think this is when it dawned on me that she may have spent her nun-hood as a teacher in a Catholic school. If she had had a ruler I cringe to think what she would have done with it. Let's just say it was downhill from there and my boobs have not recovered yet and it's been a week. The Mangler is still there waiting for you, so exercise caution.