| - Nearly everyone who lives in a house has a few things that slip through the cracks - the items that are just irritating enough to bug you as you walk past them each day, knowing that the longer you let them go, the more items will be added to the list - yet small enough that you are not motivated enough to spend the money to learn the trade to do them yourself or want to hire someone to do the job for you.
It is in this area that Handy Manny excels. Perhaps most importantly, it is because Manny himself cares about the job he does, and he spends time in the execution of his craft, as opposed to many business owners, who simply book the jobs and then let others perform it.
For our home, we had a couple of crawlspace doors that had seen many better days, and the water had taken their toll. Manny came out, measured the doors, and built them off-site, then returned with new doors to fit the openings. Or almost fit. He had to do some on-site trimming. Now - after rain-testing, no less - I can say that the new doors should stand the test of time.
While he was here, I also had him move some cabinets from one side of the laundry room to another (something my wife would not let me do - yet another reason things may not be getting done!). We have even discussed some other projects for him to tackle. Now I just need to find more money for Manny.