Sooooo..... I can't believe that it has taken me THIS long to update my review here. So long in fact that I cannot remember the last time I went. All I know is that my second dining experience with roaches was enough to seal the deal - not ever coming back here again. Which is a shame because I've yet to find another buffet that compares in terms of flavor. But if flavor has to come with a roach crawling around the silverware (YES.. the SILVERWARE) or on a wall beside me while employees just watch it... I'd just rather not.
Now granted my last experience was some time ago (some months after the decor was updated and walls went from yellow to blue) but considering the last report of a roach sighting was three months ago, their health inspections I very easily googled all report problems with roaches or roach powder on the premises, and I saw them two separate times?? Not likely changing.
Eat at your own risk.