I know I'm gonna love a place when I hear upon entering, "Hello there honey, how ya'll doin?" LOVE YOU LADY BEHIND COUNTER. LOVE YOU! I mean how fun can it be to work at a light bulb store. Apparently big fun, cuz everyone there is very friendly and helpful. As I'm waiting for her to look up the part I need for my track light (I know, track lighting, how very 80s of me and how very gay) I'm overwhelmed by how many choices we as American consumers have in the light bulb world. You might say a light bulb went off in my head. WOW! Different shapes, colors, sizes, wattages, volts....lions and tigers and bears oh my! I really do highly recommend this business. Family owned and right now I feel like their favorite cousin. You know like Oliver on the Brady Bunch. Whatever happend to Oliver? Hmmm...he'll probably show up on Celebrity Fit Club. And scene...