Worst experience at a coffee shop in years. I arrived with my girlfriend to an unattended counter and almost no one in the shop. My first impression was that it felt somewhat dingy and run down. After a minute the barista greeted us and took our orders. I got a regular coffee and my girlfriend got a latte. I was asked if I wanted cream in my coffee and I said yes. Then she proceeded to serve it without a lid and black.. Not a drop of cream. She apologized about having no lids left... REALLY!?! A coffee shop that can't keep lids in stock! I stood patiently at the counter waiting for her to finish the latte so I could get some cream. When she finished, she remembered she had forgotten my cream and gave me a half gallon container cream to serve myself ... with the lid missing! Lol So I wandered over to the sugar(slowly and carefully so I did spill my lidless coffee) and found not a single stirrer. I had to ask to have the stirrers refilled.. And she did so, with her bare dirty hands touching almost every stirrer... Yuck! So finally I got to taste my lidless coffee... Awful. Weak and bland.. Almost exactly like the generic coffee I've had on plane flights! My girlfriends latte was OK.. Nothing special... So I give this place 2 stars instead of 1. Needless to say... I won't be back!