Do NOT believe the gimmicks they show you on the tele or commercials.
I went in to purchase an Ipad mini with Retina display. My first question was, when I could get the device. They quoted me they were getting a shipment this week and I could get it by the end of the week or by beginning of next week.
I had to the misfortune to get a new sales associate who was absolutely clueless. She kept having to ask everyone else questions and had the manager come over quite a few times but within minutes those managers disappeared only to be called over again.
She asked me which data plan I wanted. I didn't want to purchase extra data, just the 200mb they advertised on the tele.
She went in the back after I told her that I didn't want to purchase extra data, only the device itself with the free 200MB. She brought back her manager, who told me that he'd give me a month of free upgraded data. I told him that wasn't necessary but moved forward.
I probably stood around for over 20 mins for her to get the paperwork and have other managers to come look at what she was doing and walk her through things.
I was signing paperwork when I noticed that I had a $15.68 fee. When I inquired what it was for, she told me it was for "government fees" and that "the government has to have a piece of the pie too." I didn't question her explanation too much although puzzled.
I got home and looked at the paperwork closer and that $15.68 was for a prorated fee for the supposed free data the manager offered. I called the store and they said they'd take care of it. They have a list of who gets free data. After the girl's explanation, I wasn't convinced and asked them to just take that extra data away.
When my son got home from school, he showed me his mobile showing that a number was added to my line and was suspended.
I called customer service and they informed me I opened a new line...which is beyond me since I already have 2 lines...why would I need another phone line? And the Ipad mini with Retina display was on back order for 6-8 weeks. Once I heard that, I heard enough.
This store went all out to pull the wool over my head. They are dishonest people. Do not speak to Ginnie (sales associate) or Chris (manager) as they will lie straight to your face.