Easy money just for your opinions!
I signed up for their database when a friend recommended it to me. I have been attending focus groups and have done product testing for over a year now and have really enjoyed my experiences. I have also made over $300 for it too!
You can join their database by going on their website and filling out a short form. They will call you when something comes up and matches your profile. They ask you a few questions to see if you qualify. If you do and are interested, they tell you more info on the survey, date and time, and how much it will pay. You can say no at anytime and they never pressure you at all.
Las Vegas Field and Focus runs a tight ship, so you can get in and out quickly and have fun too. I personally have done a TV screening, a focus group, and 2 baby diaper studies. It is an interesting experience and I love doing these! If you have some free time and want easy money, check this place out!