| - It's truly sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along. That's how I felt about 2 weeks into my trial membership at TB3D. Short back story to this. I joined at a local Anytime Fitness about four months prior to coming here. When I first signed up there, I was approached by the manager to have a "free" consultation with a trainer. Knowing that I hadn't worked out in a gym setting or really in any specific way in so long I decided to sign on for a short term jump start program. This consisted of 3 private sessions and 5 group circuits. Though I have my own personal feelings about this place and the program I will save that for their review. After this jump start I was on my own. I really liked the circuit classes, but their process of attending those was ridiculous. So after a few months I began to explore some alternative options through the one site that has let me down time and again. Groupon.
I found a Groupon deal for, get this, 6 months of unlimited classes to about 10 different gyms in the Pittsburgh Area, for a mere $20.00! Amazing right? Amazingly incorrect that is. I don't want to go into why or how this deal is BS, but I do want to say without this deal I would have never found this studio. I opted to contact this studio, as it was listed as one of the participating gyms, to discuss this too good to be true deal. This is when I was introduced to Debbie. At first we just emailed back and forth about the Groupon and what it actually did cover, which was 10 classes, and only certain classes. Good deal still? Maybe, I wasn't seeing it that way since the Groupon was so limiting. Debbie offered me a chance to do a 30 day trail, unlimited number of classes, and any class I wanted to attend for what was an excellent value. I thought only for a short time over it, and made an appointment to meet with her.
Debbie's studio is located in the Murrysville SportZone. There are two large buildings housing different businesses, most relating to sports and exercise. This is not your typical gym. You will not walk in and see cardio machines or abductor machines. No you will see a wide open studio that houses hard core training classes like Urban Kickboxing, Bootcamp Tabata, and TRX. Debbie is a spunky matter-of-fact lady that I immediately liked. She is also not your average trainer/owner. I signed up for my trial and began my journey.
During that next month I fell in love with all these classes. I was feeling stronger and had more energy. I started to go almost exclusively to TB3D and wasn't really attending my gym that I was and am paying for. When the trial ended I made a decision to join TB3D in spite of already belonging to a gym and in a two year contract. I decided to somehow make it "financially" work. Honestly I just couldn't walk away. I know for me I made the right decision. Everything I have achieved or learned in the past two months has been so gratifying I couldn't imagine going back to my old boring gym routine. Every class here is different each time, allowing you to work different muscles and learn different moves. These classes are not easy, but can be altered for any body type. SO no matter if you've worked out your whole life or are just getting started you can and will benefit from these classes. Debbie declares each month a month of some body part. June is Summer Butt month! Get those bikinis out and let's show off the goods!