Best apartments I have ever lived in, I can't believe the difference here compared to other places. Maintenance requests are often resolved same day. The pool is amazing, everything is super clean around the complex all the time. There are no random stray cats, they actually take out the dog waste baskets (unlike my new apartments) and replace them daily with new bags for doggy waste. They have a dog park at the front, there are food trucks out there all the time and they are always there to answer your questions. There are a couple of things that are need to know, although I do not find them to be a big deal. You will probably see a scorpion or two when summer first hits, but they are really good about managing that especially in the area. Thee is a lot less city and pavement over and and we are closer to the mountains so critters are normal. The new place we are in has no control over this and is about 3 miles North from here, roaches, scorpions you name it, we have seen it (not at san norterra, just in other apartments in the area). For the location this company does an amazing job caring for its tenants. Unfortunately I am working on saving money to get rid of some debts and moved into something cheaper. If I could have continued to live there I would have and I was there in a 3 bedroom for 2 years.