| - I've resisted going to, let alone joining, a gym for years, because I'm not a "jock type". The people at this particular location, at least, don't really seem to care about stereotypes, just helping with whatever problem is plaguing you. We saw a good deal on Kijiji and went for it. I have to say I really enjoy it.
This location never seems to be very crowded, and there is a lot of excellent equipment at your disposal. The staff and trainers all seem very knowledgeable and eager to help out.
Towel service means never having to bring your own towel from home. Electronic lockers means you don't have to bring your own lock and memorize yet another combination of random numbers. There is also a jacuzzi tub, a dry sauna, and a steam room. Rounding things off, there are private showers, so you don't have to shower with 15 other guys or girls (I assume the ladies also have private showers).
Always do your research when joining a gym. If you have to get a contract, make sure it's one you can work with and that you will use - don't spend money on something you won't use four months down the road, let alone 15 months.