Ordered a new line of service last night online. Verizon is running a free overnight promo, but apparently they won't allow Saturday deliveries. No biggie since I still have my phone/service from AT&T, right? WRONG! Verizon apparently ported over my # this morning from AT&T even though I won't receive the new cell phone until Monday. WTF. I called the VZN's 800#, FedEx and the Happy Valley store.. all to no avail. No one "could" do anything about it. 800# rep even got a little hostile with me saying it's MY fault for ordering it so late on a Thursday night. Wow.
Since I'm phone-less for the next few days, I'll have some time to reconsider whether or not I want to be on the IN network. B*STARDS.
Tip: Change your porting process. Wait until the customer receives and activates the new phone, pleeeeeeeeeease!