What an idiotically organized heap of confusion.
The ticket kiosks require that you choose which ride you want by name. The names make no sense and all kind o' sound the same so first you have to figure out the name of the goofy thing you want to ride .
The kiosks and an unused ticket area on the same level post adult ticket prices to go to the viewing area but not kids prices. There's no mention of kids at all. So kids are free?? That doesn't sound very Vegas but...
Nope, they charge for kids too but kids tickets can't be purchased at the kiosks. They have to be purchased at the desk one floor below and it's only there that we learn that tickets for any ride are good for any other ride. Then why do we have to purchase them by name??
So finally after befuddlement, frustration, trips to three different purchasing areas and counting on our fingers and toes to try to figure out how deep onto debt we'll have to get in order to get everyone up top we finally make it into line. And then they want to take another $20 out of our pockets for goofy photos.
The rides are cool and are genuinely scary but the hassle to get up there diminishes the fun.
2013 #152 / 365