| - This location is at Chauncey Ranch, just south of the 101, in the new Whole Foods plaza. It has not only the Destination Maternity, it has a higher end Mimi Maternity and luxury brand Pea in the Pod at the same location, along with an Edamame Spa.
With that out of the way -- I REALLY wanted to like this place. I went to the old location at Desert Ridge and was pleased with the low cost, big selection and service. The atmosphere was laid back and casual.
Unfortunately, at this location, you will be immediately attacked by salespeople at every turn. In my first visit, I was stopped at least seven or eight times by people asking if I wanted help or wanted to visit the spa. Since it was close to the grand opening, I let it go at overzealousness. However, a few months later I got the same experience. I appreciate the helpfulness, and I understand what it's like to work on commission, but they stick to you like white on rice and make the experience really annoying. I've started either shopping at their online store, visiting other locations or going to different stores. Other than that, the prices are pretty OK as long as you stick to the clearance section at Destination -- the other two places are ridiculously priced considering how long you WON'T be wearing the clothes.