Really nice/cool ambiance. That's about all I've got for nice things to say.
Made to wait outside for 10 mins despite restaurant being 3/4 empty.
Asked if there's a vegetarian burger and was told there IS a turkey burger (that's not actually a complaint, it's just funny... sorry turkeys, I guess you're no longer an animal.).
Waitress spilled some kind of ranch sauce ALL over the floor, my feet, my purse. Janitor comes and takes care of the floor first (?!) - then waitress tosses me some wet naps and leaves me to clean up this sh*t all over my stuff.
Barely apologizes, and doesn't take anything off the bill or anything (we just paid the whole thing and didn't argue, but you would think that's the LEAST they could do... Frigging mayo/ranch in the fabric of my shoes which are probably going to stink and be ruined now).