| - Oh man. We just left this place to move into our home. I hate to complain...but I guess I'm still going to.
First of all, their office doesn't open until 10am
They deliver notices such as "please secure all pets - air vents to be installed tomorrow" (at an undisclosed time) the day before.... I guess they don't care about people who work or have plans for that matter
We moved into an "updated apartment" and had problems with several of our large appliances... I almost hated to report it, because several maintenance people (very nice, but still...) would try to come in unannounced all the time. We have to rascally kitties who could run out and get hit by a car or just get lost, so we were always a bit miffed when they'd enter without forewarning (or even letting us know they had been there for that matter.)
If you sleep later than 8 or 9am, prepare for a rude awakening when the LOUDEST leaf blowers/industrial fans go on every day right outside your window.
There is a constant ringing noise outside that you can hear inside, leading us to always keep the TV or music on so we didn't go nuts!
Camden tries hard to connect with it's residents in other ways, like handing out beers to cars driving into the parking lot (?) and offering things like cute pet contests, free boot camp classes for a limited number of people, and frequent events, so kudos for that (except maybe handing out beer to drivers)
When we did get in touch with the staff, they were nice, but didn't always follow through with things.
Anyway... good location, maybe not the best service. Feel free to move in if you have no regard for personal privacy.