Haven't been in a while (not really a bike nut, or even a regular rider) but I have to relate a story to tell you what kind of a place this is... I inherited a bike my dad had purchased in college, and hard a part break, I knew that Kraynick's would be the only place able to help, even though at the time there were still Schwinn "authorized" dealers in the area.
Here's the exchange:
Me: "I have an old Schwinn three-speed, probably from 1969 or '70, and it has this little washer with a raised part that fits in the groove between the fork and the rear axle. That part broke."
Him: "A Collegiate or a Speedster?"
Me (amazed): "Speedster."
At which point he turned around to a wall of tiny drawers that seemed to stretch from floor to ceiling and appeared to have no intelligible labeling, pull open a single drawer, and produce the part I needed. It cost something like 30 cents...
Places like this pretty much do not exist anymore, the shop is like a museum of bicycle parts (and the upper stories of the building are reportedly just as full). If the recurring rumors of its closing / Mr. Kraynick's retirement are any indication, it may not be here forever. FIND ANY EXCUSE to get here while it's still around!