I was really jonesing for Thai curry the other day, but my best friend wanted Pho. I hadn't seen him in a while, and he only has Pho was he comes to Markham, so even though I hate Pho, I said "Sure, why not?" So we go to this place and he orders a beef pho or whatever. If you're getting pho then you don't have much to worry about. He said their pho is good.
I GOT THE THAI GREEN CURRY. IT WAS LITERALLY GREEN GOOP. GOOP! It was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen. The beef that I got was uh... I don't know. The texture was way off, perhaps it was the goop that changed the texture of the beef, but it was terrible. I HAVE MY RESERVATIONS ON WHETHER IT WAS ACTUALLY BEEF OR NOT.
When we got to the restaurant I was starving. When I saw the green goop I was so put off that after taking one bite (I was starving) I put it aside and I watched my friend eat. I don't know how they could serve WHATEVER that was. It was NOT curry of any kind. The goop may have had a sort of Congee-ish texture. Curry should never have a Congee-ish texture.
If I were a cook there, I would not have the utter lack of self respect that it takes to put that on a plate and serve it. Good Pho or not, I am NEVER going back here. None of my friends are going back here. That goop was abysmal.