When i lived in my small home town much farther north from Toronto, i always drooled at the thought of going there and tasting the food that the BIG city has to offer. I've moved here recently and to my excitement i can now finnaly try the food that I've only dreamt about. After catching a movie with my brother and his friend, my brother was considering calling it a night. But as a hungry man in downtown Toronto and i am surrounded by all the choices of food on a saturday night, i said let's go find a place to eat. I opened up yelp for one of the first times and i search for nearby restaurants. As I'm scrolling through the different restaurants my brother says "Scroll up! What's that poutine place?" And i said "I don't know! Let's go find out!". We walked a block and a half from the scotia bank theatre to this little place above some stairs, noticing the sign for their place which i found neat. Walked in, went to the counter and was greeted with friendly smiles and the anticipation of finnaly getting to fulfill my dream of trying some Toronto food. And what better food then something as Canadian as poutine! My brother orders and then i order a double pulled pork poutine..obviously I'm excited as I can be at that moment. In under 2 minutes i got my poutine and I'm sitting down just ready to devour this. And did i ever devour it! It was the best poutine i have ever eaten! No question! For any people looking for some poutine this place will not leave you disappointed. I'm looking forward for my next movie venture, because I'm most definitely going to follow it up by coming here again. I'd give it a 5 star if the pop that comes with it was a bit bigger, but that's negligible since I'm there for the poutine which is perfectly delicious.