We did try another Dojo in the area but they were about cramming as many students in as possible and were about selling products. Strong Tiger Kempo isn't like that at all.
We have been going here for over 2 years and my son loves it. My son is on the Autism Spectrum with Pervasive Development Disorder. Basically his a genius but not athletically inclined. The Sensei, James, has taken the time to work with my son and we have seen him blossom into an amazing student. He has moved up in rank 3 time so far. He doesn't progress as fast as the other students but that's okay. James sets the standard of what is expected and sticks to it. James instills confidence and accountability for all the students. My son attends class twice a week and gets a 30 minute private lesson before class 1 day a week. Prices are very reasonable.