If I ever elected to become a drunkard I'd move to Bifteck, because it would be the ideal place to achieve my goal.
It is one of the closest you get in Montreal to a dive bar. The pitcher deals are awesome, the waitresses take no crap from anyone (a much needed skill) and the hard liquor specials ensure fun nights for out-of-towners who flock to Quebec for its lax drinking age enforcement.
Try to hit the pool tables before you are drunk off your rocker, as I might be waiting for one. When you want to hole yourself up for at least 3 or 4 rounds, go upstairs whenever you can. It's a little quieter than downstairs and there's more seating.
My recommendation, as always, is to drink Boreale only in case of dire ethanol deficiency and having exhausted all other means of solving said problem. When doing so, pick the Rousse first, and drink the Blonde only if you think Budweiser is passable.
If you can get any pitcher other than Molson Ex or Boreale, go for it!