1) A recent article on their website Gazette ("Bordetella and Canine Cough") talks about Bordatella as a VIRUS. If they don't even know that Bordatella is a bacterium, not a virus, how can one trust anything they say about canine health care?
2) If you are going to hold twice monthly class to perform agility obstacles, but are going to totally ignore the rules of the canine sport of Agility, then don't call the class "agility". Call it something else, like "obstacle fun". This class is not Agility and has great potential to ruin a dog for competitive Agility through the use of non-standard training techniques and ignorance of the rules of the sport. And put a disclaimer on the website that says that this class will not prepare a dog for Agility competitions and may in fact make training a dog for Agility more difficult or even impossible.