Sushi is the food japan is known for. It was probably the first truly international food. But Japanese cuisine is so much more, as you can sample here.
I tried the fish Donburi.
Donburi translates as bowl, and bowl-based cuisine is the basis of all foods that come from the common people, because women only had the time and heat available to cook everything together in one pot. One pot also allowed a lot of filler to fill people up, and just a tiny bit of juice from meat to add flavor -- the oldest and most healthful trick in the books, compared to societies that eat way too much meat.
I'm glad to have been introduced to Donburi here and will report back when I've tried some elsewhere.
As I argue in my e-book, Food for CIty Building, restaurants need to be seen as more than places to eat food. They share cultures, and educate people about food.
Restaurants also innovate by mixing it up.
My suspicion is that fish-based Donburi is adapted from Korea. Great to see two cultures meeting and fusing in Toronto.
Great cuisines are alive, and they adapt all the time.