| - So because of the unprofessionalism with Nail Country down the way, not doing my pedicure the evening prior because they decided not to render my pedicure service when I asked for both of the services when I walked in two hours before they closed, because they were closing. That was the only reason that I came to this place and honey, they aren't any better.
This camp was empty when I entered and the nail tech I would assume is the owner, didn't seem like she was ecstatic or thrilled to have a customer inside of this desolate ass nail salon. I tell her I want a pedicure and I also inquired if she knows how to remove ingrown toenails because on occasion I have a small ingrown on my toe that has to be removed and it's really hard to find nail techs that aren't afraid to do it, and she said yes.
I go to find a nail color that's close to what I have on my hands and roughly have to make the color close by mixing a pink and a nude to somewhat match my hands. She wants to insert her two cents that the pink paint matches and I inform her that that pink is too bright for my taste that is why I picked two colors so that the other one would cancel out some of the pink and be toned down... I don't understand what it is with people assuming they can tell you what you can and can't do for something you're paying for. If I want to add black on top of red I can do that because I know you're going to do a minimum of two coats of polish that is why I picked two different colors to tone out some of the pink. I just don't understand the laziness with some of these nail techs... If you don't like what you do- go do something else. GTFOH, you can't be out here dealing with the public day in and day out with shitty attitude's, shitty policies, or get mad at the fact that somebody wants you to use some creativity to create a nail color if the color that they picked up isn't close enough. You do not have the right to tell somebody what color they want on their damn nails. You aren't being asked to do anything out of the ordinary, nor are you doing anything fantastic beyond using one coat per color, but maybe in her mind that was too much work.
So after she ran the water and she asked if she could eat her food to which I replied 'that's fine, I'm not in any rush take your time...' that way my feet get opportunity to soak and you can eat your food so I'm assuming she'll be getting started in the next 3 to 5 minutes.
So she comes over to get started on the pedicure and is low-key snatching at my feet like she got a problem with having to do a pedicure. Just very rough. So I let her know that she was being rough with my feet and there was no reason for her to be snatching at my feet, if you need me to put my feet up all you have to say is put your foot up or put it in the water- and we proceeded from there because I don't pay to have attitude rendered to me when I'm paying for service.
To be frank it was a very rushed job, she did not remove the ingrown, after cuticle clipping, scrubbed with the pumice for maybe 10 seconds or so and I'm gonna be real I don't even remember getting a massage on my feet because they still feel dry to me. So when I called her out on not removing the ingrown, she commenced to telling me that she's afraid to do it because she doesn't want me to bleed, etc and I stated you should've told me that from the get go and I would've went somewhere else. Then I made her reshape my nails because the way my toes are when they're pressed together in shoes if the nail is cut too sharply or square, the ends poke upon each other and I'm not gonna have raw toes because you don't want to shape my nails properly so she did that with an attitude too... overall just a very rushed and shitty job.
So come time to pay, I ask how much is it and it's $20, so I use my card to pay and just so you all know- because there are no signs posted- it costs 50 cents to use your card to pay for your service. She also had the audacity to ask me did I only want to charge it for the $20? The fuck??? Ummm yeah- you didn't do a damn thing that warranted a tip. First off, you didn't scrub my feet properly, you didn't clip my toenails or file them properly, you didn't massage my feet for even the minimum of 30 seconds each, you rushed through this pedicure like you didn't want to do it at all AND you did it with an attitude-so no bitch you're not getting a tip and the fact that it says nothing about being charged to use your card is another reason you're not getting a tip. That 50 cents is your tip.
Unfortunately, I read the Yelp reviews about this place while in the chair and should have steered completely clear of this shit shop. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY PEOPLE. I will NEVER spend money here again. Rude service and crappy work.