My bug killer of choice. Hands down, he gets the job done. I some criteria for my bug killers - first, I don't need any pesticides that will wipe out things I want to keep like pets and kids and he gets that. So great with the pesticides and no overkill if you know what I mean. I had a bad, really bad, termite problem in an old office of mine and he took care of it and I did not have to vacate or even interrupt work. At the house, we have a cockroach problem...I know the envy you feel in your heart, or maybe its' revulsion is huge but it is an irrigated lot and there are way more of them than there of me. Again, took care of it and everything else in the yard is still doing just fine! We have a huge beehive and I had some misgivings with that - should they stay or maybe they were crazed and they should go...I didn't want to be staggering around my play pool with a 'rita and be attacked in my bathing suit and he checked it out and the bees are staying, again I like his no overkill approach! Try it, you will be bug and relatively pesticide free.