| - This was my first experience at Buy Buy Baby. And honestly...I wasn't incredibly impressed with the selection of items that were available here. Babies R'Us has a much better selection as far as gigantic stores filled with baby things go (and there happens to be a Babies R' Us right in this shopping center), and places like Target and Walmart have better deal on simple baby necessities, such as packs of plain white onesies.
However, the staff was incredibly sweet, available, and more readily available than other stores, which is a nice plus.
I wouldn't completely rule out Buy Buy Baby if you're stopping in for a cute little outfit. The one thing I ended up buying was a little Beatles onesie, which is absolutely precious. However, for a better selection, both brand and price-wise, of big ticket items, I would recommend Babies R' Us. For basics, hit up Target or Walmart for lower prices.