My husband and I ALMOST built with Eastwood Homes. We signed the contract, laid out almost 4,000, but ended up pulling out (thank god). I felt they were very unprofessional. Our paperwork got messed up with their preferred mortgage company- we weren't able to do the loan we were told we could do- then suddenly we could do the loan- then they couldn't wait for us to do the loan to hold off closing for a month- then they could- then we had to come in to the office in person and sign papers that couldn't be signed over the internet- then we were able to sign them over the internet. Always a story or something shady going on with them. Not to mention they couldn't pour the concrete for almost a month once they started building on our lot and did not tell us. We had to ask what was going on. There was an issue with our soul.
Aside from that we got a nasty email from one of the agents that work there. We will never do business with them again. Seems like they tried to take advantage of us because we are on the younger side of the people that build and buy from them. Nothing but a headache from the start.