ZERO STARS!! BEWARE!! LSI is also Luxury Realty, the property managers of the condo I've been renting in Las Vegas for the last couple years. Upon move in it took not weeks, but months to get everything fixed that was supposed to be done right away, including a non working toilet and lack of hot water in the master bedroom, amongst other little things. It's been like pulling teeth trying to get anything done the entire two years I've lived there; when the handy man finally came to touch up the walls, they were the complete wrong shade of white. The office has been through countless staff and over a few month span I have never heard the same name twice. Fast forward to April 6th: move out. At the final walk-through, there were absolutely no issues with the apartment except for a slightly bent towel rack. I was told that my deposit check would be mailed to me in full and that they had 30 days to get it to me. Well needless to say, 30 days has come and gone and I have been on the phone with them every single day for the past two weeks and still have not received my check. First I was told they had the wrong address, then on multiple occasions I was told that accounting was out of the office and that no one else could get me the information I needed regarding the check. Finally on Wednesday I spoke with accounting and was told the check was being sent to me overnight via registered mail; I have yet to receive it. Called again today and spoke with an extremely rude woman who informed me that it had been sent, but refused to get me any tracking information and said she would call me back. I will not be calling again; if I don't get it within a week from today I am involving my attorney. This is absolutely unacceptable business behavior, not to mention illegal. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH LSI! Completely incompetent business.