So you're answer to fixing the problems people have with your TERRIBLY ran complex is to call the office to get things taken care of is a complete joke! In order for that to work you guys would have to be able to answer your PHONES! I have had a huge issue with you guys FOR YEARS! And your office staff that has no clue what they're doing doesn't help! So if I can't get ahold of you by phone and I go into the office and one of your office staff tells me "Well I'm not to sure about this letter you received and there is no one here that will have any answers for you". Well that isn't good enough when you're charging me $512. When I paid my rent on time, had my apartment infested with roaches, scorpions and termites. Your office staff said they would put in work orders for pest control. They never showed up! My husband and I would be home on the days they were supposed to come and nothing. But when we brought it to your attention you would tell me they came. Hahaha what a joke! And on top of that you have hyper dermic needles ALL over the complex from drug addicts. My car got stolen from there and the license plate off my truck. And let's not get start on the Isis members connected with the shooting in Texas a few years ago. And you guys have the AMAZING do not bill me for "damages" to the apartment when I moved out of?! You send it straight to collections?! You've got to be kidding me. You guys shouldn't be in business. You're just crooks. You guys do NOT provide safe and clean living environment. And this is ridiculous. Maybe if I contact 3 on your side you will start listening. Because every other way doesn't seem to work. Oh and you might want to check for MOLD in the ceiling of apartment W277 since it was getting flooded by water every time the people upstairs would take a shower. And your maintenance said he was going to wait till me moved out to do ANYTHING about it.