| - NEVER...I mean NEVER USE THIS COMPANY!!! If you do, you will subject yourself to endless and frequent... telemarketing calls. This has been going on for nearly 3 years with sometimes as many 4 calls in a week. It all started when I was at a car wash and and agreed to have a small chip repaired in my windshield. NEVER do this.
I've politely asked A.J.'s Auto Glass to stop calling, but they still do.
I've signed up on the Do Not Call list, but they still call. This a violation of Federal Trade Commission law if you inform the company that you don't want these calls and that you are on the Do Not Call list and they call again.
I've informed them that they are telemarketing to a cellular phone which is also a violation of federal law - the Federal Communications Commission. They don't seem to care as they still call repeatedly.
Think you can just BLOCK their calls? Oh no, its not that simple. They call from multiple phone numbers such as 480-907-7230, 480-546-1739, 480-907-7683, 480-219-9368, 480-219-9475, 480-543-1740, 480-444-7660, 480-634-6298, and 480-848-5546. A.J.'s Auto Glass constantly adds new telephone numbers, so there's just no way to stop this harassment short of changing my cell number and informing hundreds of contacts.
A visit to (a "who is calling me" site) and entering another of their numbers, 480-848-4456, you can see what this is like for people. Comments range from from inappropriate, to rude to even threatening by A.J.'s Glass Repair telemarketers. This is successful business practice?
My state is a one party consent state regarding recording telephone calls. I'm going to record their next call, and then file complaints, seeking the maximum damages I can recover (approximately $15,000), with the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, my state Attorney General, the Better Business Bureau and every other agency I can think of.
I asked nicely, 3 years ago, for this to stop. Now I'm on a mission. Think this is an over-reaction? Okay. Go to a car wash, get a windshield chip repaired, receive literally hundreds of phone calls, in violation of both federal and state law, for years, and see how you feel. I'll be back to read your post.
Bottom line: Never get your windshield chip repair fixed at a car wash and NEVER do business with A.J.'s Glass Repair.