This Indian man was very rude. Had made. My daughter cry. And was cursing with guest in his cab. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY IS COMPLETE SHIT. I truly feel bad for the owner of this company cause he has no idea how awful the service is here. Everyone be smart and use uber and lyft. Cheaper. And better service anyways. I tried to call the number I searched up for the yellow taxi cab. Which was this company. The taxi driver wouldn't give me the name but did get the license number before he drove off. ( 054 YZW ). So I'm calling the company. Been on hold for 10 min. Then I come to a real person. Tried to file a complain and what he told me is. Oh you only have the cab license not the number we can't help you. And I said well wouldn't make sense every cab has different license numbers and he responds and said yes. What do you want me to do.... stop everything I'm doing to find this person. I kindly said. You are being rude and I do not appreciate the service of this company. Seems like bad service is this company specialty. !