Was craving a burger for Father's Day lunch so I yelped best burger places in Charlotte, and this placed showed up near the top of the list. Let me just say that after my meal I can think of at least 4-5 places in Charlotte where I've had a better burger recently. IMO this place is not in the running.
The visit started with inattentive service- just because you are a casual place doesn't mean the service should be sloppy- Good service is good service regardless of the atmosphere. Forgetting items, not checking in, lack of personality are the hallmark of a place with poor FOH management.
Secondly the menu has s selection of what I would call burgers with dubious combinations of flavors- a turkey burger with avocado and pimento cheese? C'mon...
Finally we ordered the fried mozzarella app- we were served pre-made mozz sticks and canned sauce. If your chef is so lazy that he won't cut and bread mozz and put together a simple fresh marinara, well good luck to that establishment.