| - Pho is a tricky dish. It's hard to get it really 'wrong', and very easy to skate by with a mediocre product. By the time you're face-down in a bowl, you're usually too hungry to really care if it isn't top-notch. We stopped by today for a couple of bowls, and were really pleasantly surprised. When we walked in, the first thing that we noticed was the smell. This place smells *RIGHT*. It smells like vats of broth that have been cooking for ages. Pho seeps through the walls here, and it's obvious that they've got some good stuff cooking away.
They have everything that I want here- salty plum soda, great pho, and good grilled pork rolls. Our lunch was excellent. The first sip of broth put a huge smile on my face- it tasted *RIGHT*. That's the best way that I can explain it- it just tastes right. Proper. There's nothing adventurous, nothing audacious, and nothing crazy. It's just good food, at a good price. The salty plum soda was spot-on. The rolls were outstanding. It made me realize how mediocre some of my recent meals at other Vietnamese restaurants have been, and makes me want to come running back very soon.