I am reviewing from the perspective of a cat owner.
If you groom your pet a lot, you will rate Ren's Pets Depot 5 stars. This Ren's location carries the most extensive pet grooming tools and supplies I have ever seen in a retail store. There are aisles (plural) of them, compared to a small section of a single aisle in many pet stores. Soaps and shampoos come in gallon jars.
I am a cat owner. My cat doesn't require me to groom him much. The dry food section carries the most popular/best selling brands of premium cat food. But the choices are less than Global Pet Food and Pet Valu. I don't see many mid-level cat food brands either. If your pet food of choice is here, and you buy the larger bag, the prices are really good. For smaller bag (2lb to 6lb), the prices are on par with other pet stores. Wet cat food has the same selection issue. Ren's put some cat food on sales on the day we visited. I notice there were more wet food put on sales than dry food.
If you are a dog owner, you will find a decent variety of dog food, including raw food in freezer.