For all those times that you stood by me.
For all the joy you brought to my life.
For all the wrongs that you made them right.
I'll be forever thankful.
You're the one who held me up
The one that never let me fall.
You saw me through it all.
Centrum when I was weak.
Unison to help me sleep.
Visine when I couldn't see.
Cepacol when I couldn't speak.
Even prep H when I couldn't seat.
I'm everything I am because you healed me.
You gave me wings and made me fly.
You took me high I could touch the sky.
You said no star was out of reach.
I lost my faith you refilled it back.
You stood by me and I stood tall.
I had your love, I had it all.
I'm everything I am because you "love" me.