Ran into them at the mall. Had a piece that needed some fixing. Arranged the quotation. This meeting takes forever. Do not put yourself through this. It took over an hour of the sales person repeating themselves about the highest quality and showing us pictures of furniture that costs in the tens of thousands. No surprise that when we finally got a number we were right there, in the tens of thousands. Slashing the price in half did nothing for us and we promptly said our goodbyes but not without some ridiculous sales antics of calling the warehouse to get another couple hundred off. Yuk
Two things I learned from this
1. When setting up a meeting like this ask how long it will take. If they can't say make sure you make it clear that you only have 15 minutes to dedicate.
2. Never buy anything the day it is proposed. Sleep on it. Compare prices. Even if you like it, that business is not going anywhere and should not be pressuring you. Wait. Wait. Wait. I've made it my principle to never make these types of financial decisions the moment they are presented.