Terrible, rude receptionists (SERIOUSLY)
Okay, so I got there around 4:10pm which was nearly closing time(5pm).
I have a shift from the morning in downtown and that was the best time that I could reach there.
Also the mobile yellow page said closing time is 7pm so I honest didn't know that it's 5pm actually.
There were 2 women receptionists. I was asking one of them that I want to get a medical examination for PR today.
After that first thing I heard was like,
'It's too late right now, u can't get it today! You should come early in the morning!' With a freaking rude tone with their accent which I've never ever expected specially in a clinic and I was freezed, didn't know what else to say.
I asked when is the latest time that I can get the examination because I have a morning shift in downtown.
Now they both keep saying that 'Even you get the examination today but you can't take the X-Ray because they are closing as well! Why don't you ask your boss for a day off? Or Come on Saturday!'
Seriously it exactly sounds like they are blaming me because I was late in arrival.
At least saying sorry and explain why I can't get examination today would be nice, and I know that's what usual clinics would say in Canada, but this is horrible. They should really know how to talk and treat people.
I've sitting for a moment for phone call and I noticed that their attitude was horrible for every walk in patients. They were shouting, yelling and talking in rude tone to everyone and I cannot believe this freaking situation! This clinic is not even a worth for 1 star over here. Also check the Google review of Li Francis Dr.
It's not the issue that I'm having only.