I have been to Corleone's a few times and this is the first time I have had cheese wiz on a cheese steak. (I'm a native Arizonian, what can I say?).
It was awesome and I really like how thinly the beef is shaved.
Lets discuss Cheeze Whiz Fries for a moment. They are amazing, however EAT THEM QUICKLY. If Cheeze whiz is left to sit it congeals and Im not a huge fan. However if you do eat it quickly while its still all melty its one of the best things you can put in your mouth. :) Your taste buds will thank you! (Thank you Ocean Spray Commercial)
Its slightly overpriced for my liking, but when you are in the mood to treat yourself and are in the area it can be a fun place to go grab a bite, and certainly something you should try if you have not had the opportunity.