Narrative review?
That awkward day of the week. You've worked way too hard at the office, you're home late and don't have the energy to cook a meal. But you're starved..... you do what you know is pointless - look up delivery places online in north richmond hill that really boil down to one option past 9.30 you know it's not good for you and you're trying to shed those extra pounds. Should you order the closest thing to a healthy meal? Perhaps some chinese loading up on the veggies? But Golden Hoy keeps messing up your order and really isn't that good.......for no apparent reason you google delivery richmond hill once again.....but lo and behold, a new restaurant pops up for the first time. Mr. Moons.... the urban spoon reviews are good....but why hasn't anyone on yelp reviewed it yet? Menu looks good - with some traditional chinese dishes and lots of spicy dishes.
You order - mr.moon is really good to you on the phone. You are delighted you don't have to rush your order in 5 syllable sentences for a change. Delivery comes fast. No credit card? ok you fish out the extra bucks for the change and tip out of a forgot people still use cash sometimes.
You dig in. Disappointment sets in. Where's the flavour? Why are components burnt? I this really a spicy dish? Why do all the dishes taste the same? Who in their right minds thought this was good food on urbanspoon?
you understand why there are no yelp reviews. you give up eating and dream of an amazing late night restaurant opening down the street from you. if wishes were ferraris.......