The Decor: Nothing special. No really, don't turn around, don't judge this book by its cover- go in and sit down and order. I'm usually the only caucasian in the place which tells me I'm in for something authentic. I do get stares from other patrons though!
The ambience: Old tables, uncomfortable chairs and a TV playing chinese soaps at lunch. If you're really brave take a peak into the kitchen which is visible from anywhere your sitting. The servers put up with me and they really do understand your order as long as you point at the numbered menu. Always smiling and welcoming. The tall, plastic, well worn, foggy green tea glasses are a nice touch.......
The food: Absolutely authentic and the best thai/vietnamese fusion anywhere. Their curried beef brisket is my absolute favourite thing on the planet- you must try it. Heat is inconsistent but most of the time my scalp is sweating!!
Their pad thai is awesome too- there's a lot of it. The vietnamese soup is served in a BUCKET. Way too much. If you finish it be careful turning corners because the sloshing is likely to throw your balance off. It shouldn't be humanly possible to eat that much soup.
Great value. Cheap Cheap Cheap! Lunch for under $10 and you could get out of there in under 20 mins.
The funny thing is the speed at which your food comes out. I always tell people that the waitress will walk away and return with your meal in under 2 minutes. Always great, always quick. Love this place.