| - Whole Foods market is a great grocery store.
They are known, and have a reputation for being a bit on the hippie side, and I, as a non-hippie still like it. A lot.
By "hippie side", I mean things like juice cleanses, coconut water, alkalizing, etc. Whether these things are scientifically valid or not is not the point of this post (that's how I make my living - writing articles and books on nutrition). But they have that, if you're into it.
But they also have the non-hippie basics: fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, etc.
The staff are very friendly. If you ask them where a specific item is, they don't just mutter an aisle number under their breath, and hope you leave them alone ASAP. They will smile, and literally lead the way to the correct aisle.
They're also reasonably knowledgeable, and answer questions intelligently.
My two favorite parts of whole foods are:
1. Their samples. If you come on certain days of the week, certain times of the day, they let you sample products. And their products are truly unique.
2. Bagging. They bag your groceries for you. It's a small touch, but a nice touch.
They also have a hot bar, so if you don't feel like cooking, you can buy ready-made food there, and my favourite part (as someone who makes his living in the nutrition business) - the ingredients are fully disclosed, so you know what you're eating.