UPDATE: 14-10-2017
New management - worse than old management!
UPDATE: 19-09-2017
They had a scheduled "renovation" which they decided to cancel? Makes me think why they wouldn't invest in updating the floors like they said they were!
They now have 2 basketball courts, the original one, and the rest of the gym that others seem to think is fine to dribble a ball through the facility!
Read other reviews, and you will see the same thing.
1. No one re-racks their weights. NOT EVEN THE PERSONAL TRAINERS - disgusting.
2. Way to hot and humid inside. There is something wrong with the HVAC or they don't know how to adjust it. Either way, it's like working out in a sauna.
3. RUDE members. Never in any gym have I been pressured to hurry up and finish up because someone else wants to use the equipment. There are lots of machines, you can use another one if you don't want to wait.
4. The music sucks.. bring your own headphones and device.. or be tortured.
5. They have absolutely no attachments for the pulley machines beside D-Handles. They have 1 or 2 triceps bars, and that's about it. Don't know if they broke, or were stolen but they have yet to be replaced
6. Hassel you to take personal training... but from what I've seen a goat could train you better. There seems to be only 1 good trainer there, who shows his clients proper form - and repacks his weights!!!!!
7. They should enforce personal hygiene.. some members should be using a pre-workout..like deodorant!!!!!
The gym has decent equipment, but that's about it. I don't know If I would recommend it to my friends .. let alone to anyone reading this review!