I wanted to comment on the service I received when shopping at the Market Mall location in Calgary Alberta. I went in to redeem my birthday bonus and stock up on some items. The girl who assisted me (Alex) up sold me to a current promotion - buy 2 litres and receive a candle and 650 points. When she went to charge me she forgot to remove the price of the candle. Then she told me the new total which I then reviewed and she had forgotten to remove the birthday gift (perfume). Finally it was resolved. When I left the store I reviewed my receipt and noticed she did not put through the bonus 650 points for the promo. So I went back to the store to show her and she discovered she was unable to apply the points as the code was not accepted. She then called her manager at home who explained that the promo points could not be applied till April 1st and that the manager would at that point apply the code and call me back to confirm (which was the next day). Alex assured me that she would confirm I was called and the points applied when she was back at work on the 2nd. On April 2nd I still had heard nothing so I called to speak with her yet again. The girl who answered the phone was eating on the phone and told me she needed to check with her colleague. Alex picked up the phone and was surprised that her manager had not done it the day before and said she would apply it. She gave me my new point balance of 24,000 and now finally it has been applied. What I don't appreciate is the unprofessional and lack of follow thru that I have experienced. I have spent a lot of money with Aveda for many years it has been the only product that my household uses. Never before have I experienced such bad service with such a lack in diligence. For Alex to not be able to get my bill correct twice I had to ask her to remove the charge for the"free" items and then to not confirm that the points had been applied is absurd. Then after leaving to see the bonus points not applied on top of it. Then to not receive a phone call the next day from the manager having my issue resolved and then yet again I had to call 2 days later as Alex did not call to follow up or apply the points yet again! Answering the phone when I called to hear the woman eating on the other side (and hence hard to interpret) is really just another example of how unprofessional the service was here. I felt like I had to do the job for the people who worked there repeatedly. I expect good service for the money that I spend on a top quality product. If I spend thousands of dollars on products I want to feel taken care of. If I wanted to do the job for the sales clerks I could spend 6$ on shampoo (instead of 40$) at a drugstore and I would still expect the clerk to know how to ring in the bill properly and apply points. If need be that I had to wait for my points to be applied why can I not expect a call back when promised from a manager? I am deeply unhappy with the service and wish someone would look into this so that these girls can be trained properly and not be so inept. I don't work for Aveda so why must I do their jobs? I will think twice before I return to Aveda, and certainly will avoid that location. Very disappointing and ridiculous on many levels.