This place has been a mainstay in Toronto for as long as I've been here and has seen some slight changes over the years. That said, it has endured the name change from "The Red Lion" to "Bryden's Red Lion" and then back to "The Red Lion", showing that this is a fixture in the neighbourhood that will be around for a while, despite the name alterations.
Set up as many places are in the Jarvis-south-of-Wellesley area, the Red Lion is built into an old mansion not unlike the Keg Mansion or the most anachronistic Mac's Milk that you'll ever find. This fact makes this place feel roomy, cozy, and not least of which, homey.
The menu is pub-fare as you'd expect and a fenced-in front patio is usually choked with people. Don't worry if you see a "Reserved" sign on the tables. The "reservations" are for parties of four or more. So if you qualify, ask the server to seat you in the shade, order a pitcher, and relax.