I had the 'all dressed' or whatever its called, the standard one. It was average, base was too doughy and the tomatoe sauce they use is a bit on the tangy side. My girlfriend had the vegetarian and it was not great, canned asparagus should never take a lead role on a pizza.
Not great value either, the buy one get one half price displayed on the window only covers medium and larger so for a couple of medium pizzas you are looking at almost $25 including taxes.
I would have given them three starts but the service was joyless and I generally have pretty low standards when it comes to service.
I can see why people like this place if they compare it to the dominos just down the road, but Pinolis Pizza on Monkland dominates this place, its cheaper (genuine two for one on the regular menu for eat in) and better and the service is slightly more friendly.