This place is open all night which you would think there would be a plethora of all night places to choose from in Vegas, but where they are I don't know. Despite many trips to Vegas this was the first time I actually went in and had some food. I had forgotten there was also a location in Reno. It does always appear to be popular at all hours. I did find that all the bright colors and decorations did a lot to brighten my mood at 3am. I enjoyed some very large bloody mary's but despite the size they don't particulary stand out. This is a nice benefit over the all night places like this where I live, but I guess that's just a matter of state law. I was pretty happy with my bruschetta though, which is something that is not often on menus. My boyfriend enjoyed his food too, which I can no longer recall what it was, but I remember there was enough left over for us to share with the homeless man outside. It was a lively atmosphere and I will probably try it out again in the future. Good service even in the early morning.