So basically if you're not self employed, your company most likely gets a invite to come shop here during a certain period of time. If you're anything like me, you've gotten dozens of these invites and ignored them all because you're not comfortable going to a random area + you're also a lazy poop so you just don't want to.
So after 5 years of getting these invites from all the different companies I've worked for, I finally decided to come and see for myself what kind of sales there were. The place was literally a warehouse on the outside but it looked like a normal Nike store inside- except it was definitely smaller. They request your work ID on the inside and I was surprised to hear this one guy behind me had travelled from sauga to come here.. like dude.. It's not worth it.
The selection was small and the prices seemed to be average except for one or two pieces. I got Nike pro shorts for $19 each and that's definitely a deal. I've got about every colour in the collection and usually I get them from the states for that price (which is higher because the Canadian dollar is fucked) or from another Nike outlet in GTA for a few bucks more. Everything else was SO not worth it. Last season's shoes for $100 and that's a deal?! What a joke! Sports bras for $50?! Please. I can get these 'deals' at the outlet at Vaughan mills and not deal with the sketchy area and the shenanigans of getting here. Also, that option does not require some oh so prestigious pass to get in.
+ the manager was extremely friendly but the other workers didn't seem too interested in anything really. They had one girl behind the cash and I waited for 10 minutes with 2 people behind me until they decided to open another one. They are also not understaffed by the way, there are so many walking around that make eye contact with you as they pass, seeing the desperation in your eyes, and quickly scurrying away. Bleh.
Would I go again? Nah.. not worth it to almost get to Scarborough bluffs from Markham to get some crappy deals.